
So after teaching this morning I went to Uni and did some sketch book work before going to the Embroidery room for an induction on the smocking machine. I'd kind of already had one but if you are like me I like to be shown how to use something a few times then have a go myself before it really sinks in about how to use it.
Again, about ten people had signed up for the induction but only four showed up. I find this frustrating so god knows what the technicians/lecturers must think.

Afterwards we went to the weaving/knitting room and arranged an induction for that room next Wednesday. I can't help but think that the inductions could have been arranged a bit better. I understand that we are all adults and that we should be taking ownership of what we want to do and when and arrange our own inductions.
But I think the technicians find it frustrating that there is no communication from our course leaders on what inductions the MA students might want. I think they (the technicians) would like to get the inductions out of the way soonish after term starts, not 6 weeks in and perhaps get a group into the room in one go not in dribs and drabs.

Anyway rant over, I'm off home to work on my sketchbook and hopefully transfer some designs into Illustrator. Tomorrow its a retail symposium and more sketchbook work. I also plan to coat a few screens in preparation for printing on Friday.

The weeks are flying by. Yesterday it was 5 weeks until we have to hand in our first portfolio work, eek!


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