A mixed day yesterday, I was in at my usual time, straight to the MA room and there was a BA tutorial going on. I asked if it was ok to use the room and I was given the go ahead.

Great, set up my laptop and start to write my presentation that needs to be in in 3 weeks or so. I'm trying to get this bit out of the way because I know I'll need time to perfect the powerpoint part of the presentation because this is not a strong point for me.
My presentation is on Trend Prediction, looking at the history of it, how they go about doing it, how prediction has changed with the arrival of social media and then what Li Edelkoort will talk about in her presentation that I am going to on the 23rd.

I need to come up with some sort of argument, so my presentation is different should anyone else decide to do something along the same lines. I'm not sure what this is yet, traditional vs modern trend prediction - is the traditional method still valid.

I also caught up with my Creative Live tutorial on Illustrator - I can highly recommend this if you want to learn more. Its with surface pattern designer Bonnie Christine.

Anyway, I had planned to attend the weaving/knitting induction at 3.30, but when I walked past the lecturer was in full swing and showed no signs of stopping or that another group starting at 3.30 was imminent. I didn't want to interrupt so I'll have to see if I can attend another induction at a later time.
I'm not sure if it will be relevant to me, I just want to try everything while I'm at Uni, or as much as possible. I think the best time will be around the holidays, especially Christmas as 1st and 2nd years will go home early December (hopefully).

It was too late to walk to the other venue to attend Colin Gale's lecture, I would've been about 15 minutes late, so I went home. This in itself was a bit of a faff because my car was at the garage having a new battery fitted + MOT+ alternator + bulbs (£319 later). So my husband said he'd pick me up so I started to walk home. I was a good 2miles into my walk when he finally picked me up after battling the traffic out of Kenilworth.

Then it was a walk around the block with Benji, then off to teach my class, then home to help a neighbour who thought she might want to try lino printing for her designs, then finally a sit down to watch an hour of trash TV to switch my brain off. Don't judge me but I love the Real Housewives series, especially New York and Orange County, brilliant!

So a packed day, after writing it down it seems quite a lot but yesterday in bed I thought I'd wasted the day a bit not having the induction and not attending the lecture. A day is never wasted though if you do something, because you never know where that might lead.


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