Second week of University and I'm starting to get my bearings and starting to think about what my first project will be. The year is split up into three 14 week blocks with a weeks holiday between each block. The first will take us up to Christmas, then January to Easter and then after that all the way to mid August and hopefully an MA at the end of it all.

This week has been a mix of lectures, seminars and tours of the facilities.
We've had to write our Programme of Study (or statement of purpose) a brief outline of our aims and objectives for the MA, these can be changed as I progress through the course but it helps to get something down on paper.
We briefly discussed our statements and showcased some of our work either by showing portfolios, photos, Instagram feeds, anything we had really that could be passed around to the rest of the group.
It took a while to get round the group but its very daunting to showcase work in front of strangers and for the overseas students, to talk in a second language. I definitely couldn't explain my work in Mandarin or Romanian.

The lecture on Monday was taken by Professor Colin Gale, Director of Postgraduate Programmes in Fashion and Textiles. It was called 'Loved Objects' and in summary he discussed the emotional relationship we have with objects, the power we accord them and our attachments to them.
On Thursday we had to bring an object in and talk in front of the group about why we love it. I talked about my wedding and engagement rings and the memories they hold for me.

Another lecture was by Naomi Mahedran who runs the Cycling Store, an upmarket, fashionable cycling brand with equipment and clothing for the modern cyclist. The lecture covered her initial steps into running her own business which has now been going a year. Unfortunately Naomi didn't have enough time to impart all the information she's gathered since her initial idea through to running a website and pop up shops in London.

Lastly we had a lecture about Fashion Immersion by Rebecca Russell-Turner. Over the Summer she ran a successful installation in Selfridge's with audio and visual accompaniments to a Yoga class. I took away from the lecture the need to think outside of the box, to reach out to people in other areas to help and to make your work stand out from the crowd. 

Right, on with some trend forecasting to help fill my sketch books up with loads of ideas.


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