Mood Boards

I've done three, which I hope will show my tutors where my thought processes are taking me.
It also helps me to rationalise what I am doing and to keep as a reminder of the track I should stay (roughly) on. They aren't finished totally yet, more of a work in progress. I want to add some of my own designs and possibly some fabric choices too.

The first one is Slow Futures and Camo.
I've used the colour palette from WGSN, sourced pictures from online of different camouflage and used Kanye West designs to show the kind of look I am going for with regards to athleticwear.

This one is inspired by the Youth Tonic colour palette and the Far East Design. The athleticwear is by Fenty Puma by Rhianna, which featured some embroidered detail with a Far East design.

And lastly, this one is Kinship colour palette and Geos/Geometrics. The athleticwear is Versace, Joseph and Chromat.

I'm also thinking about adding some glow in the dark features to the designs - watch this space!


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