Second Viva - 2 down 1 to go

So after the Easter break I was back at Uni today for the second Viva.
It's weird, only 10 minutes, but I'm sure going on Dragon's Den would be easier. I think the thing that's so confusing is that there's no direct feedback on your work. They (three lecturers) don't say one way or the other what is right or wrong.

So basically, and I know that this is a problem, I try and do too many things.  I need to concentrate on one thing and do it well. But, and this is my problem, what if that one thing is wrong and it won't make me any money.
At the end of the day, I need to make a living and I think that's always in the back of my mind.

  • I took away the fact that I need to realise the value in a textile design.
  • I need to concentrate on one thing - will that be designs for a swimwear collection or an athleisure range
  • I need to go back to my sketchbooks and work my work

Steps I need to take now:
  • Work more on Illustrator and Photoshop to work my work
  • Go back to my sketchbooks and pick a few designs to concentrate on
  • Get my sketchbooks back from the Uni and get started
P.S. I also want to try some ceramics - will I ever learn!


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