First week at Uni done, yippee!
But first, news on my travels. I've just come back from visiting my sister and her family in the States. They live in Utah, which means flying into Vegas and driving straight out to St George in Utah, about 2 hours away. Below are photos of Kolob Canyon and one of my sister's dogs, Eddie, trying to catch a bubble. As we trekked along I wondered if I could be inspired to design if I lived here, I suppose you adapt to your own surroundings and your surroundings become reflected in your work. I could never live there though - too hot!!!

A rather embarrassing moment happened on my way at the airport. I had a small pair of scissors in my carry on, I told the people by security and I thought I'm ok because the scissors are under 6cm in length and so are allowed.
Anyway, my bag was taking a long time to go through the scanner until a lovely lady said to me "you do know you've got a massive pair of scissors in your bag". I wanted the ground to swallow me up, all the other people collecting their belongings were looking at me. Anyway, it turns out I'd left my best fabric scissors in my pencil case which I'd just grabbed and threw into my bag before leaving the house. I didn't think to check :-( So I had to leave them there.
But on the plus side it gave me an excuse (if excuses are needed) to go to JoAnn Sewing/Knitting and Craft store in St George.
Luckily for me they had a sale on the fabric that I bought, some pictures below. 
I'm going to make a few tops, maybe a skirt or trousers and some wash bags to give/sell to my sister. (I'm a starving student after all).

Anyway, back to Uni.
My first day was Tuesday afternoon and along with the Textile MA, there was Surface Pattern Design, Accessory Design, Fashion Design and I think Brand Management and Retail Management are also in the 'MA' group that I'm in. We come from all corners of the globe, Britain, India, China and Romania. There's probably more but that's all I have spoken to so far.

Our first day was an intro to the MA programme, meeting lecturers and course leaders. We did a team building activity (making a marshmallow and dried spaghetti tower), our team managed to make the tallest. When I hear team building or ice breaker my heart drops, but once I start they are usually great fun and they do make you talk to other students that maybe you wouldn't normally talk to. I had to do several ice breakers on the OT course so I've made my fair share of paper/stick/plastic towers along the way.

On Thursday we were back in to discuss writing our own rationale or statement of purpose for the MA. It should be a paragraph of why we want to do the MA and then bullet points on how we are going to achieve it. Our statement can change over the year and if it does it should be resubmitted so that it reflects the work we are undertaking at that point.
So that's what I am going to do today, I'll put it up next week.

We also got split up into groups to complete a small research job on the city of Birmingham and possibly the wider area if its relevant. Our group got Fabric and Haberdashery stores in the Birmingham area. We decided to split the group up and each concentrate on a different town/city, because really there aren't that many stores in Birmingham and we would all be doing the same thing.
So I got Leamington and Warwick, others are covering Coventry and London. We also decided to look at hardware stores which always come in handy whatever your discipline.

On reflection I'm nervous and apprehensive that I've made the right decision, it is after all a change and we are creatures of habit, well I am. But I do like a challenge and I know I love creating and being creative, so I can't wait to get stuck in!

Have a great weekend.



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